Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blog Post #10

Randy Pausch

Being assigned to watch Randy Pausch's Last Lecture, we were to answer the question, What can we learn about teaching and learning from Randy Pausch? Randy Pausch opens his lecture with a great attitude and audience engaging humor. He informs the audience of what he will not be talking about, and things he will be talking about which I thought was really cool to do. Mentioning what he will be talking about I think is great because it lets the audience know how far in the lecture he is, as well as lets them know what will be coming up. By bringing in life stories, Pausch was able to keep the audience interested in what was being said. When Pausch was talking about a childhood dream of playing in the NFL that never happened, he shared the quote "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." I think this is very true. Many times when you don't get something correct, you learn from that which is an experience. Pausch taught a class at Carnegie Mellon University that was a project based learning class. He said that "The best way to teach somebody something, is to have them think that they're learning something else." I think this is a great view for teaching students.
There are some things I have learned about teaching and learning from Randy Pausch. The way he taught was by letting his students create. Giving them a project to do that was not dreaded. By giving his students an interesting project and letting them be in control, gave amazing results that he was even impressed with. This gave the the students an ability to learn as well as enjoy what they were doing. For learning, we as future teachers as well as people need to take our failures and mistakes and learn how to do the task correctly. The way we learn is to take criticism and try to improve. The way we deliver the criticism can really make the difference in how someone responds. I thought Randy Pausch did an excellent job delivering his lecture by keeping the topic light and by keeping the audience interested in what was being said.


  1. Good Job! One thing I would consider changing is on the fourth sentence where it says "it lets the audience be aware". It doesn't read right, trying reading it out loud to help you decide how to reword it. Otherwise a good post.

  2. Grace
    I liked your post very much. I loved the quote you used from the video that said "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you want." I agree with this quote because there are many times we do not get what we want but that does not mean we cannot learn from our actions.

  3. Grace
    Great post. Dr. Randy Pausch's lecture really moved me. At times during his lecture I had to re frame from becoming teary eyed. His humbleness is amazing. You said,"The way we deliver the criticism can really make the difference in how someone responds." This is so true! I always say,"It's not what you say, it's how you say it." Once again, good job.

  4. I really liked your post and how you included his quotes. The video was great and so was your summary!

  5. Grace,

    I though you did a nice job with capturing the overall spirit of Dr Pausch's video, however I feel like you cold have gone further in depth with what you learned from him. The post feels a bit brief.

  6. Good job. See Bailey's comment and replace cold with could.
