Friday, June 21, 2013

C4T #2

After reading the latest blog post by Jabiz Raisdana, I Wanna Rock , I thought he did an excellent job. In this post he told the story of how he had wanted to teach a class on “The History of Rock and Roll. Film or Digital Storytelling.” but being a middle school teacher and teaching at a school where this was not an elective, he put his dream of teaching this type of class on hold. He then thought to himself, why not be able to teach this class? Realizing it wouldn't become a class, but as an activity, he was still willing to follow through. After emailing back and forth with the activity director, he was granted permission to try it out.
When commenting on this post, I included who I was and why I was there. As well as a link to my personal and the class blog. I then congratulated him on his achievement. I also mentioned that it was great that he included many options in his emails with activity director to bring this class to life. Mentioning that it showed that he had thoroughly thought the class out. I closed my comment by wishing him the best of luck for the class.

After no new post from the last, I went and read Jabiz Raisdana's second post,No Budget. This post included a short overview of his day, including a great description of the sky turning from day to night as he describes the colors. He mentioned that he came across an email from a reader who was an artist. This artist had once found a picture in one of his blog post and decided to paint it. In the email, the artist shared the painting that she had done. In another email Jabiz Raisdana recieved, was from an author who had been writing about street art, graffiti, and such for over 15 years. The author had come across a picture done by stencil that Raisdana had put up on Facebook. He was interested in using the image for a book he was writing. Jabiz Raisdana closed his post saying how he was "... more often than not pleasantly surprised by what comes back to me."
In my comment on this post, I reintroduced myself. Saying that I was a student in EDM310 at USA, and included the links to my blog as well as the class blog. I then complimented his post and mentioned how I was glad he was able to play a part in someone life. As well that he could make a difference in a life. I finished my comment by adding that it is great he is able to make a difference in the life of someone else by doing what he enjoys doing.

street art
This is the picture the author saw that he wanted to put in his book.


  1. Jabiz is the father of Kaia. Kaia is the star of the post Kaia and Room 10 - Why Blogs and Commenting on Blogs Are So Important which is in the EDM310 Class Blog sidebar under ESSENTIAL LINKS TO VALUABLE RESOURCES. You should read the post if you have not already done so.

    Jabiz is a long time supporter and friend of EDM310.

  2. Grace,

    Good job summarizing the posts and what you have learned from them.
