Sunday, July 21, 2013

Blog Post #16 - Final Reflection

Part 1
Going back and reading first blog post, I still want the same things for my classroom but would just like to add some things. When reading about the tools I plan on using in my classroom, I mentioned a SmartBoard. That was basically it. I had no clue how much technology has become involved in the classroom. If asked, I would have probably told you that a third grader would have no clue how to maintain a blog yet alone make podcasts and movies. I have now learned differently. The way of teaching students has changed from when I was in elementary school and will continue to change. There is no way of stopping technology from being in the classroom.
I hope to teach 2nd grade when I start working. After learning how involved technology is in schools, I will be using technological tools in my classroom. I don't think I will fully rely on technology to help my students learn but will use some. I say this because what if the power goes out at the school I teach or for some reason the devices aren't working. I would want my students to be able to learn with and without technology tools. But rather, I plan on using technological tools to help enhance the learning ability.
I hope my students will learn how to work individually, but also in groups. Working in groups not only teaches you what you're being required to do, but how to work with people and how to approach your group with new ideas or disagreements. I feel as if working in groups not only teaches you academic lessons, but also personal life lessons. I would hope my students will not only learn academically, but life lessons such as how to treat others while at school.
In my classroom, I want learning to be fun. I am a very hands on visual learner. So offering hands on activities, I think, will make it easier for students to learn what is being taught. I do not want to lecture my students, I want them to be engaged and active in their learning. A teacher can not do their job if the student is not willing to learn. I want my students to be willing to learn so I would want to promote it the best way I can through ways they can learn the best.
I would say my classroom would be somewhat the same as I had mentioned in my first blog post. I would just include technology into how I described my classroom. It would be a place where students would feel comfortable and have a fun and exciting environment toward learning. Using technology will help engage the students into learning and will provide a better approach to be willing the learn. I think one of the hardest things to grasp personally would be that these kids have grown up using technology and can use it like a second nature.
After learning about iCurio, I would definitely want to allow this tool to my students. iCurio is like a filtered search engine that is made for educational purposes. It also provides tools to help organization of folders a student may have as well as automatically saves work. As mentioned above, I still would like to have a SmartBoard in my class. With the SmartBoard being touchscreen, students will have the ability to work on that instead of a computer. Also having a SmartBoard will allow a larger group of people see what is being done. Edmodo is also a really cool tool I have discovered while in EDM 310. Edmodo is like a Facebook but made for teachers and students. It is not focused on a personal life of the students and teachers but is academic. Parents of students can be invited to see work posted on Edmodo by their student. I think this is great because it lets a parent see the progress their student is making. Edmodo also allows access to communicate to a student or teacher outside of class or on the weekend. I think this is great a great tool for students with confusion on an assignment because they can ask a question when they want and not have to wait till they're at school to ask.

Part 2


  1. "I do not want my students to not know how to learn without technology tools." Double negatives confuse people. You should write this sentence this way: I want my students to learn with and without technology tools.

    " I do not want to lecture my students, ..." Nor do they want you to lecture them!

    "I think one of the hardest things to grasp personally would be that these kids have grown up using technology and can use it like a second nature. " Often better than you can. Even in the second grade. And two or three years from now...?

    Which would you rather have (if you can't have both). A computer or iPad for every student or a SMARTboard?

    "I would defiantly want to allow..." Defiantly? Are you going to march in the street? I think you meant definitely but you never know who wants to start the next revolution!

    "Also having a SmartBoard will allow a larger group of people see what is being done. " Not correct. Any computer these days (or iPads for that matter) can be put on any screen or new TV.

    "...students and teachers but is academically." academic, not academically

    Read this sentence of yours: "I think this is great for if a student has confusion on an assignment because they can ask it when they want to and not have to wait till they're at school. " How should it be written? Not like this. Do you know why? I hope so.

    "You do learn a lot" That is what is supposed to happen in school, it seems to me. If football players put in 12-16 hours a week, why not a student who wants to enter a far more important profession?

    Lesson plans do take practice. Just like anything in which you want to improve your performance.

    Glad you liked the trailer.

  2. I'm glad you found some useful tools in edm. I too like edmodo. I will be using it in my classroom this school year!

    Stephen Akins
